Fallen off the resolution wagon?

I’m sure you are all well into your New Years resolutions by now and some of you are still going strong, while others have already fallen off the wagon. This time of year can be overwhelming because you have such grand plans for January and it can be disappointing when you cannot stick to your resolutions. Maybe instead of resolutions we can make intentions and begin again every day. Habits are difficult to stick with in the beginning, but if you practice a little bit every day, eventually it will become the new normal and you won’t have to put so much effort into it. We don’t have to be tied to the date on the calendar, but instead make time for the planning stage and execute when ready, not just because its January 1st.

Goals for January are usually around weight loss and eating healthy because we are usually coming off the holidays and self-indulgent vacation. It is a great month to regroup and start your “mindful eating” plan once again.

However, once we have made a good solid eating plan, let’s turn our attention internally to our minds. We are so concerned about our bodies, we neglect what is happening in our overactive minds. Stress is a big contributor to belly fat and needs to be tamed in order to feel good inside and out. Don’t know why you can’t lose weight, it could be your cortisol (stress hormone) holding on to fat because your body is preparing for a crisis. Mindfulness Bootcamp to the rescue. You will learn how to eat mindfully to keep you conscious of what you put in your mouth,…. and so much more to keep you calm, happy, healthy and PEACEFUL!

Introducing Mindfulness Bootcamp: Gain strength from the inside out.

6 weeks in March. Wednesdays 11:00-12:30
Are you dealing with overload in your life? Have you lost the ability to relax and enjoy the moment? Maybe you overreact at the slightest disturbance, or are completely distracted and distant from everything going on around you?

Lose the pounds of mental clutter and go from frantic to fabulous.