Lessons from Manna Peda

Since spring is finally here, I thought I would write about the springtime ritual, the manna peda. Getting a manicure/pedicure is a luxury, to be fully enjoyed and appreciated. So, before the April break, I went for a pampering to be ready for the warm weather. I went with the intention that I was going to fully enjoy this experience, without the busyness of my mind, phone, magazine, chatting etc.

As I have been telling my son, lets do one thing at a time please. If you are on your phone, then be on your phone. Don’t be watching tv, eating a snack and doing your homework! Just enjoy the experience of the game you are playing. Of course, he had given me some blow back, such as, “you multi task all the time”, and “isn’t it better to multi-task?” I explained to him that when we multi task, we do many things, but usually none of them well, with satisfaction. I am trying more and more to live this truth, so what better place than the nail place to fully experience the moment?

I went in with the intention to not look at my phone, even once, or pick up a magazine. This is a lot harder than it sounds. Luckily, it was not crowded, so no one started chatting with me. I turned on the chair massager for the pedicure and fully focused on the feeling of my muscles releasing. Wow, it was amazing. How many times do you go for a foot massage, eat a yummy dessert or other pleasant experience, and barely recall it happening? We are either distracted in our mind, by others or with some sort of media. We think if we don’t use every moment productively, we are wasting time! Instead, we are just missing the moment by being distracted.

I noticed my impulses to constantly check the phone, but resisted. I “rode the wave” as I like to say and it passed. I also wanted to pick up the US magazine sitting next to me, but also resisted. I used this time as an opportunity to slow down, notice my surroundings and breath, and fully enjoy this moment. Our brains are addicted to drama, and this proves difficult, but if we can intentionally focus on doing it, we will leave feeling refreshed and relaxed, ready to take on the day. Look for other moments throughout your day where you can just be, and take advantage of it. How about in the car, waiting on line, waiting for the doctor to see you, and waiting for your child at an activity? Use these typically useless boring moments to bring some space and peace into your regularly scheduled hectic crazy lives! Happy Spring!